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Monday, September 23, 2024

SIN: New Release by C. W. Steinle

SIN—preorder now at Amazon:

Breakdown of the family unit... Denial of the Soul... Acceptance of deviance. After 4,000 years of progress, what happens when the model is broken?

Ancient 4,000 year-old writings show humanity has known right from wrong since the beginning of recorded history. SIN follows the quest by kingdoms for ethical societies and people’s concern over the integrity of their individual soul. Examine moral codes dating from 2100 BCE through 1500 CE. The Egyptian Code even required perfection to pass into the "good place" in the afterlife.

This book begins by examining this consensus of conscience to reveal that righteousness has been in the minds of humanity from the beginning of this Age. In the 21st-century-atheist view, ethics and moral judgments are progressing in step with human advancement. But have they progressed? Or, has the sense of conscience—some kind of moral compass—remained the same from the beginning of this Age?

Consequences of violating pop culture’s ethics might include cancellation, being doxxed, or tagged with demonizing names. According to the CDC, suicide rates for ages 15–19 increased 57% from 2009 through 2017. Guilt and shame are certainly not new; but suddenly decoupled from the ancient ways, and “falling short” of the unforgiving atheist-alternative standards, where can people turn for acceptance and restoration?

What if the ancient writings are true and are filled with answers for the problem of sin? Even palpable love! Not a hoax or gimmick; but what millions of people for thousands of years have actually experienced. Relief from the damage of sin for both the offended and the offender. And it all starts with seeing SIN for what it is.

This book will help you: Find an alternative to those who are searching. Discover time-tested promises. Gain victory in the sin battle. Amazon book page:

Pre-order now!
#sin #ChristianFaith #Deliverance #books